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The #LPMHQ Story

Started in October 2018, as an LPM community building initiative that continues to this day, #LPMHQ is a monthly scheduled live Twitter chat for current and future legal project managers, pricing experts, and process improvement professionals. 

#LPMHQ is open to both practicing lawyers and business of law professionals including legal operations professionals from law firms, inhouse legal teams, alternative legal service providers and consultants who have an interest in learning or sharing their relevant experiences. There is no membership required to participate.


What is #LPIHQ?

This is a new conversation that started January 11, 2021.

The LPI in “LPIHQ” stand for “Legal Process Improvement” and will focus on topics regarding running and delivering legal and business process improvement projects within the organizations of respective participants.  We welcome contributors to share insight from their experiences on corralling stakeholders, leaning-out existing processes, successes from working with the “coalition of the willing,” and how they’ve learned from past mistakes. Again, there is no membership required to participate. All are welcome!


Upcoming Twitter

Upcoming Twitter Chats!

February 18, 2022

12pm, EST/ 9 am, PST/ 5pm, GMT

“Let’s talk ‘The Great Resignation”

March 18, 2022,

12pm, EST/ 9 am, PST/ 5pm, GMT

Welcome to 2020 Two:

The two-year anniversary of the pandemic

Latest Chat Summaries

Tips & Tricks


Use the hashtag! End all tweets with #LPMHQ (or #LPIHQ)


When answering a Question, begin your tweet with a corresponding Answer number. For example, a response to Q1 will begin with A1


When the conversation is moving quickly, it might feel hard to keep up. Just jump in where you can


Be candid! We’re all here to learn and share


You might want to follow the conversation using Tweetdeck.


Chat Summaries

These are summaries produced post live twitter chat that highlight questions and answers by participants during that session. Community members have found it an easy way to get the gist of that session.

Professional Development
Stakeholder Relationship

Live twitter chat summary from January 14, 2022

Live twitter chat summary from December 10, 2021

Live twitter chat summary from November 15, 2021

Live twitter chat summary from September 23, 2021

Live twitter chat summary from June 18, 2021

Live twitter chat summary from March 11, 2021

Live twitter chat summary from February 22, 2021

Live twitter chat summary from January 11, 2021

Live twitter chat summary from December 10, 2020

Live twitter chat summary from September 25, 2019

Live twitter chat summary from February 6, 2019

Live twitter chat summary from January 9, 2019

Live twitter chat summary from December 12, 2018

If we gave up LPM and opened an LPM themed bar

A Look Back on 2021

Sign up for #LPMHQ & #LPIHQ live twitter summaries, announcements and more!