Insights on legal automation, workflow, process mapping, and intelligent work.

Document automation. Three is the magic number.
Document automation in legal has been a thing since the 1990’s and it continues to grow. There are many technology vendors that either just do document automation or incorporate the capability as part of a wider feature set. This rise in vendors and.
No legaltech provider is an island, integration is paramount
No legaltech provider is an island Integration & interoperability is paramount As I look forward to ILTACON 2023 I always look back and see what the trends of the previous events were. A big theme at ILTACON 2022 was one of integration &.
Remote working: why structured data and process should be your best friends.
Remote working Why structured data and process should be your best friends Our working lives have dramatically changed with the onset of remote working. The jury is still out on the pros and cons of shifting away from centralised office life, yet a.
Structured Data: The fuel of the future
Structured data The fuel of the future Law firms have access to volumes of data. Data about themselves, their people, how they practice, metrics regarding utilisation and profitability and also an immense amount of client data. However almost all.
5 reasons automating your processes leads to practice efficiency
With economic uncertainty, remote working now a reality and a drive for productivity gains and ultimately profitability, many law firms are focused on automation and workflow optimisation to drive practice efficiency. This often manifests itself in.
The State of Play: Workflow Automation for Legal
The State of Play: Workflow Automation for Legal The latest time warp between social media feeds and our day to day experience talking to customers and prospects about workflow is upon us. On the one hand the promise that generative AI will take.
Game changing capabilities added to Catalyst 1.2
Game changing capabilities added to Catalyst 1.2 Autologyx Catalsyt 1.2 was deployed to customers in May and our early adopter clients have been building on the latest platform. The update contains some game changing capabilities making Catalyst.
Community Feedback: How We Gain Insights through Design for Delight Sessions to Further Our Product
Community Feedback: How We Gain Insights through Design for Delight Sessions to Further Our Product Customer and community feedback has been a core part of how the Autologyx team designs and develops software. A key part of these engagements is our.
5 hot topics
5 hot topics of discussion following the launch of Autologyx Catalyst. So you may have heard that we’ve launched a new platform called Autologyx Catalyst; everyone has been talking about it….. well not everyone obviously. If you’re a customer then.
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